Szeged-Újszegedi Református Egyházközség

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Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

In 2008, the leadership of our Reformed Church in Szeged, Hungary, thought that the Lord had prepared and brought the long-awaited time of building a new church. As for us, we have dedicated ourselves to the work that exceeds our power. We consider this our holy duty, since if the Lord wants to build a new reformed church in our roman-catholic dominated town, then we have to take on our part of the work: the spiritual, financial and physical hardships. We sincerely believe that we have become God's co-workers in a task (that is) not given to every generation.

In Europe, church buildings have become empty, and lots of them have been sold. It is known that our Hungarian nation is also drifting toward ungodliness, so it may seem unnecessary to build a church. We, however, believe that the holy Word of God, the gospel of grace of our Jesus will be spoken out loudly among these walls even in years and in decades to come. We believe that where the Word of God is proclaimed, there also will be a church - God through his Word and Spirit gathers the Church! We believe that in this future building there will be true worship, and so our 80-year-old congregation will have a future by grace. In today.s Hungary, building a church is a testimony! It is a testimony about our faith in the Lord, who will let His word be proclaimed. This is why we believe that this church will not be empty, nor will it need to be closed or sold. The gospel will be spread, and there will be a church, which will worship, adore and serve his Savior and Lord according to the Word.

Naturally, we have notified the bishop of our district about our intention. He has assured us of his support. He pointed out that since only a few reformed churches had been built in the country over the past years, he would consider the building of a new reformed church in this big Hungarian town an event with great significance.

The plans have been designed by a renowned architect office in Szeged, and have been approved by the elders of the Church in January 2009. They can be viewed on the website of our church (

According to the preliminary calculations, the cost of our construction project will be around 150-160 million Hungarian forint (HUF (1USD~220HUF; cost~680 000 USD)). We are trying to raise the money from different sources. One of them is our 200-member congregation. To date, they have made a pledge of 17 million HUF (~77 000 USD), and have already started to pay this to the account of our foundation. We have received pledges for additional financial support from the local authorities, a neighboring company called Hunguest, and the district of our congregation. We also expect donations from different churches, companies and generous supporters from outside the country. We, however, ultimately rely on the Lord to cover all of our expenses. As we can read in the Bible, he owns the gold and the silver.

Somebody has warned us that due to the financial crisis, this is perhaps not the right time to start this kind of a project. We acknowledge that if we just consider the critical situation in the world or in our country, we should not get involved in this project. However, if we look at the Lord, we can start it. We recall that our existing building was built during the world financial crisis in 1928. It seems that the financial difficulties were not too big for the Lord then, and we can be sure they will not be now either. Just like it took one year to erect the current buildings that time, it may take only this year to build the new buildings.

This task exceeds our strength, similarly to the enemy, which significantly outnumbered King Jehoshaphat and his army. He prayed: "For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you." The prophet of the Lord encouraged him and the people: "Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God's. Tomorrow go against them ... and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf." On the next morning the king stood up before his army and said: "Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be established..." He appointed the singers to go before the army and bless the Lord even before they won the battle. After this, God delivered them with a glorious victory, and they accomplished the impossible mission! We believe that God is the same triumphant God, and we will reach our goals with Him. That is why we bless Him for his faithfulness in advance, and that is how we approach our task at hand.

Dear Sisters and Brother in Jesus Christ, who are far and unknown to us. We invite you to come and help us if God is leading you: first with your prayer, and if you can, financially as well!

Praise the LORD! Praise the name of the LORD, give praise, O servants of the LORD, who stand in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God! Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; sing to his name, for it is pleasant! For the LORD has chosen Jacob for himself, Israel as his own possession. For I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatever the LORD pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps. Psalm 135:1-6

With brotherly blessings,

Pastor Zoltan Sipos Ete

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N Facade
E / W Facade
Floor plan 0.
Floor plan 1.
Section A
Section B
Section C
Section E-F-G
Section D / S Facade

You can pay your donation to our Foundation by bank transfer:

Újszegedi Isten Kezében Alapítvány
Address: Szeged, Szent-Györgyi Albert u. 6-8.

IBAN: HU61 1199 8006 0635 0145 1000 0001

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